Traditions and Cultures have dominated their lives making them isolated
to a world of gray harsh environment which to them is normal because
they do not know any other alternative. These women from the Sahel
are part of many Indigenous Women from Africa who suffer from
marginalization and discrimination because of gender inequality and
negative cultures, traditions, economies and discrimination that contribute
to none recognition. The report will focus on Indigenous Women from
Mali, Senegal, Niger and Burkina Faso.These women come from the Nomadic Pastoralists communities who are
Fulani, Tuareg and other agro-pastoralists who have adopted small scale
agriculture as alternative livelihoods due to impacts of climate change
and displacement from their own countries and communities. This report
covered all activities exclusively as we compiled a lot of information and
many of them have written reports of their own.
The Pictorials we have tell a story of how far we went, and yet we still
have more to share. But above all we are very happy that for the last two
years there was so much empowerment for these women and had wished
it was four years ago. African Indigenous Women’s Organization (AIWO)
remain thankful to the Foundation for a just Society (FJS) for funding
these many activities, opening doors and windows for our indigenous
women and youth in the Sahel. With a blessed heart the fund has brought
a visibility and given the motivation set to us as AIWO to work with a
human rights approach bringing recognition of their rights and helping
the women and girls bring share, link and learn on different development
agendas with a main focus on Women’s and human rights, Environmental
Justice, (Climate Change and Biodiversity traditional Knowledge taking
key focus, economic empowerment, sexual reproductive help and indeed
allowing the women to innovate and share.
Read The Report Here :
Voices from the Sahel – AIWO English and French